Grow Experience

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Wednesday, 26 September 2018

An Important Guide, Where To Start to Create a Website or Blog

There are a lot of things which people really don't know about a website or blog, or they don't have any proper knowledge about where to start. what name should they choose, what domain, what content? It requires a lot of free time and passion. You might also want to know how to create a successful blog, with all the others present on the internet right now. It’s actually quite simple. You need to add value. Then you need to add a motive for people to read it. You need to do some digging, maybe make your audience laugh or give them valuable pieces of advice.

An Important Guide, Where To Start to Create a Website or Blog

Here is something basic for your website or blog

A Better Platform And Hosting

This is the first thing you need to do. Choose one that suits you best, and make sure it comes with customer support, just in case you need help in growing your blog.

As a platform, we went for WordPress, as it comes with many themes, plugins, and it has two options: self-hosted and, well, not self-hosted. We recommend you using the (the not self-hosted one).

A Better Design On Your Blog

The content is important, but the design is as important as the content of your blog. Everyone has something they like particular and we all have different styles, so you should think about what you really like. Choose a niche then take it into account. Is your blog for DIY stuff? Or maybe hair and beauty? The best idea is to visit some other blogs and see their designs. It will give you inspiration. Or you can just browse the color pallets; you’ll surely like something from there.

The menu shouldn’t be complicated to make it look like you really worked at it – people will get mad if they cannot work with it. Keep it simple. Add home, about me and contact pages.

Your Blog Content

As said earlier, you need to add value. People like personal thoughts, so be unique, bold from there to there. Keep in mind that the topics you chose were probably written by others, too, so you need to make the difference between your thoughts and their thoughts. Ask all kinds of questions. To make it easier for you, talk to some people and see what interests them. If you get a common topic, then you know that you should write about it. Also, personal experiences are welcomed – help people understand your thoughts. You might be surprised to find out that you’re probably not the only one who thinks this way.

Inspiration can come from many places, but the thing is that you don’t really know when it’s going to strike you. Keep a notebook with you and write all your ideas. And see what’s worth writing on your blog.

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